Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Window planning professional versus big box window products

The question has been asked, "why use the services of a window planning professional?"  Too many times this very important question is answered after something that could have been avoided has gone horribly wrong.

Using a window professional when the initial plan is being developed can assure that code compliance is addressed sooner, rather than later when conflicts may be discovered making costly plan revisions necessary.  Knowing a particular manufacturers limitations (or flexibility with sizing or attributes) can be priceless when preparing a window schedule, particularly when changing one window can disrupt the overall plan design making it necessary to adjust all windows to reclaim the design.

Having an objective analysis of costs, features and benefits from one brand to the next can be invaluable when determining a realistic budget for a project. Too many times the plans are developed with an overall expense being estimated only to learn once the job goes out to bid that the estimate was far too conservative as the plan is drawn.  Knowing the particular cost drivers while the plan is being developed can avoid this disappointing reality. 

Once the plan is complete, and a job is open to bid, the first opportunity to value engineer a window package presents itself, but that too can lead to an uneven playing field from one builder to the next and it is fraught with peril when considering  that generally a VE quote involves some deviation from the specifics of the plan and shouldn't be attempted without the homeowners input.

Sitting down with a knowledgeable window professional, sooner rather than later, can prove to be one of the most efficient ways to spend your time.  It's also been known to save lots of headaches and a few dollars too.